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kit two - build a mobile
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kit two - build a mobile

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 kit two - build a mobilekit two - build a mobilekit two - build a mobile

the build a mobile kit includes everything you need to paint, string, and hang a mobile. Each kit contains a selection of laser cut birch animals, stripey twine, acrylic paint set with brush, feathers and beads, and a disk for hanging. not every set is the same, but all are variations of forest and fairy tale creatures.

my two and four year old were more about colour, but older kids could probably really get into adding all kinds of painterly details. i think the kit works best when you bring a few of your own treasures to the mobile: we had some coloured wooden beads cy wanted to include. autumn leaves or curls of tissue paper would also be good additions.

all of the kits are projects for children and adults to do together, and are best suited to children three and up.