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kit three - shadow puppets
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kit three - shadow puppets

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kit three - shadow puppetskit three - shadow puppetskit three - shadow puppets

last but not least, the create a shadow puppet kit.

each kit features laser cut card stock appendages and torsos, wee paper fasteners, sticks, and black stickers. the beast kit features a bear, rabbit, and swan, while the reptile kit holds a snake and an alligator. tiny hands will need help with the paper fasteners, and you'll want to cut some of the stickers in half or even thirds when adhering the sticks.

we tried to include enough options in each kit for there to be friends (or enemies, as it may be), and with a white sheet or a large piece of vellum and a flashlight, some sort of drama to ensue... and let me just add, they have been an immediate hit around here.

the kits are available in our new online shop, and can also be found here in vancouver at collage collage, where we'll be celebrating with a launch party on saturday afternoon from 3 to 5. come have a look and check out this great contemporary art space for kids!