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Burrowing Animals
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Burrowing Animals

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Burrowing AnimalsBurrowing AnimalsBurrowing AnimalsBurrowing Animals

of all the work i do for banquet, the thing i love most are creating these science and nature themed prints.

i love the drawing part, and trying to reduce something like a mole to a simple silhouette without losing any of it's "moleness," but also the research part, which actually thrills me a little bit too much.

like that moles have toxins in their saliva that they use to stun and store worms. massive worm "larders" have been found with upwards of a 1,000 worms stored for eating.

or that the burrowing owl festoons the doorway of its hole with cow dung. scientists aren't sure why, but their best assumption is to attract insects for an easy snack.

so let me introduce the "burrowing animals," up now in the shop. chocolate brown on white paper, especially dotty with pebbles, beetles, and worms. but be forewarned: not for the faint of heart!