05 Nov, 2015
Ancient Egypt Transformed: The Middle Kingdom, part 2.
05 Nov, 2015
One more Egypt post -
So excited to finally be able to share with you special project we have been working on for The Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York. In conjunction with their exhibition "Ancient Egypt Transformed: The Middle Kingdom" we've designed a suite of Egyptology prints only found at The Met or through their online shop. If you're in New York be sure to check out this amazing exhibit! @metmuseum #metmuseum #MiddleKingdomEgypt #banquetworkshop @themetstore
Available at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Also, as an aside, that slug you can see on the belt buckle in the Egyptian Jewels print shown above is actually a viper hieroglyph (used as a possessive pronoun, as in Pharaoh-his). Gotta love a snake with horns.